金属膜精密电阻 EE 系列是 Vishay,IRC,松下理想的替代元件,并提供更有竞争力的价格和快速交货服务。联系我们与您的特定需求。
马可波罗网提供为精准的精密网络电阻信息,主要是: 精密网络电阻, 高精密网络电阻价格, 精密网络电阻批发, 高精密电阻网络电阻生产厂家, 还包括了高精密网络电阻 的相关生产制造企业信息 ,品牌等内容,...
盛雷城精密电阻有限公司作为国内的高精密电阻网络的设计制造厂家,从1990年开始设计生产块高精密电阻网络,至今已经有 25 年的时间,现在已经可以生产制造出 精度高达 0.01% 的超电阻网络,产品覆盖了仪器仪表生产厂家和需要分压精度产品的行业。公司生产的高精密模压电阻具有精密高温度系数低稳定性能好等特性。
Thunder Precision Resistor Co., Ltd. makes the highest stability resistors in the world for many years.
UPR series ultra precision resistors are the right cross to Vishay's AUR series and FPR, FPS series metal foil resistors and had been adopted by many customers for many years.
UPR series ultra precision resistors are of the highest stability of the resistors with less than 20ppm annual drift in cectively working year!
盛雷城精密电阻有限公司长期以来,一直在制造世界上稳定性高的电阻器--UPR 系列超高稳定、超、超低温度系数的电阻器,具有小于 20ppm 的连续工作年度变化量!多家用户的长期使用记录提供了可靠的证明!
THUNDER PRECISION RESISTOR CO.,LTD.whose production basement is located in the GanZhou city--south of JIANGXI Province, a profession in manufacturing all kinds of high precision resistors for more than 25 years, We have Technical Department,Production Department, Sales Department, Financial Department etc. Prefect manufacturing, advanced testing equipments and in-time after service are powerful guarantee to meet more demanding of our customers.We focus on providing high precision, more stability, reliability resistors. We ctantly improve ourselves in order to adapt to the market demands.
以上信息由专业从事0.05%精密电阻3ppm/℃的雷城电阻于2025/3/3 20:17:17发布